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Warsaw High School
Class Of 1960 |
Thanks to all that have responded to the invitation to be a part of our class web site. It is a protected site. First time users please go to the "First Time Visitor" site on the left as it will tell you how to go about entering our site. If you are still having trouble getting started with us, please send a message to "Contact Us" and I will try to help you. Also, you can add recent or old pictures to your page. Some classmates have already done that. Please check back to our site often as I will post messages, deaths, class reunion info & etc.
***Very important***
You must LOG OFF each time you leave our class website to protect your information.
Notice: If you have forgotten your password and can't get in, just send me an e-mail and I will give you a temporary password that you can change once you get in. Have a good day!
We had a great turnout for our class lunch today (August 22, 2024).
Our next class lunch will be next year.